Thursday, 15 December 2011

Some changes

Hello guys! I decided to change my blogname in fashionstruck, because I think it's a way better name than Chevettes. So, my new URL is! Another thing is that I've been thinking about blogging in english or dutch. I have got viewers, and followers who aren't dutch, but if I look to the comments I see a lot of dutch comments.. Dutch is easier for me you know. Oh and by the way, my "break" is now officially decided, I won't blog until Christmas, I'm sorry! xoxo

EDIT: I've thought about it a lot, and decided that I want to do my blog in dutch. I added a translation widget, so I hope that the non-dutch people will keep following me.

1 comment:

  1. Je blog ziet er echt heel mooi uit nu! Ik vind het fijner als je in het nederlands schrijft. Maar ik snap het ook als je in het Engels gaat schrijven.



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